--> Task 2 How its feels twins | english

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Friday, 23 September 2016

Task 2 How its feels twins

| Friday, 23 September 2016

How its feels twins

Be identical twins is a grace given by God to us. Yes, it is true that many parents would love to have twins, but luckily grace was given to our parents. For that we are grateful to be twins, along with my brother and my sister named solihin and solihun. While we were still on our 5 year old have in common are the same, whether it's in the selection of clothing, toys and footwear, thus making our parents confused, and ultimately parents, we give what we want, but in a row the course of the time we've got interested with the color that is red and blue. The color red is the color of a penchant for solihin while blue is the color of the solihun craze. However we often scramble giving rise to quarrels, that makes one of us cried. And there is one more small time if one of us is sick the following day his fever, my brother also became a fever. But after I am already 10 years we did not experience it again. Sometimes people around our living place still confused in deciding our differences even though it actually was a long stay in the place. But luckily our parents can distinguish us. First our parents little time sets us apart is the shape of our head solihin head shape, somewhat oval, while the shape of the head is somewhat spherical solihun. When we would go to school in elementary school, we came in that same year, i.e. in the year 2002, but our mindset may still not be able to absorb the lessons given by teachers, our parents then decide not to raise us to our next class. At the time of the Ascension of the grade 5 elementary school, I cry because I don't ride grade 5 elementary, our often caused when the teacher told one of us to advance to the next grade, but we told each other, so we suggest parents teachers, not to raise me to my next class. But with my split with my twin brother does not make me despair, however, as time went on we can independently of each other, so we could achieve accomplishment in class time at secondary school, and vocational school manages. Being twins it tastes is like a boon and test how we can accept it and live it, and continue to learn.

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